Black Box Productions Brings Clients’ Stories to Life With Sleek Videos

July 25, 2019 at 4:00 AM
by Black Box Productions

Did you know that social videos generate 12 times the amount of shares as images and text combined? Videos catch your eye, create a lasting impression, and bring to life the story of your business. And needless to say, videos are simply a fun way to tell your story!

Based in Canada, we are a professional video production services company with an impressive portfolio of projects. Our videos not only tell a story, but they sell a story. Whether it be marketing and advertising, event capture, or corporate branding, our videos capture the essence of our client’s mission.

We are happy to say that our clients have left us reviews on Clutch, a ratings and review firm. Our clients have given us a score of 4.9 stars and helped us to become the top Canadian video production services provider. We were even featured in the company’s Canada Leader Awards 2019, which honors the highest-rated companies on the site.

We treat our clients like our number one priority and care about their success just as much as our own. Reviews are vital to understanding our impact on our clients, no matter the type of feedback we receive. Our reviews help us to continuously improve in order to be the best business partner possible. We entered the video production field to create beautiful films for businesses that have a message. And we are so glad that we are helping clients use video to tell their story!” – Josh Usheroff, Partner and Co-Founder

The team at Black Box Productions wants to thank all of our clients for leaving reviews and for working with us!

To give a little background information on our clients, we recently worked with a customer services provider to create a culture video. We created 2-minute long video that highlighted the company’s culture and people – we conducted employee interviews, prepped people with make-up, and created a French language version!

The VP of communications for the provider said we were flexible and responsive!

Their ability to grasp and deliver ideas and concepts was outstanding. They were also open to changes and always tried to find the best solutions.” – VP of communications, customer services provider

Check out full portfolio of videos and clients!

We have also been featured on a business news and tip site, The Manifest! The Manifest has listed us under top Canadian video production services, and we could not be more proud.

You can also find us on Visual Objects, a portfolio-sharing site for visual and creative design firms, which has posted our named under the best video production companies in Canada!

We would love to work with you-get in contact to explore how we can make your story come to life.

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